Places in Prato:
Renewed spaces

Piazza Giovanni Ciardi

The Piazza represents a strategic road junction for accessing the city centre. It is also the location of the PIN - “Città di Prato” University Centre, which occupies the historic site of the vocational school for Technicians of the Prato Textile district, and of the terminus of several buses, including some that cover the area outside the city.
The design involves a general reorganization of the main elements of the square, namely the improvement of the pedestrian path on the eastern side to enable an effective connection between the Serraglio station and the parking area in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo. This route will also make it possible to connect the cycle path of viale Galilei with the railway station and the historical centre.

The pedestrian paving of the section outside the green area will be in architectural concrete, making it more accessible and cleaner than the current gravel covering. A system of irrigation will also be installed to ensure proper maintenance of the green area.
As for the artwork that should replace the fountain, the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art has proposed buying a sculpture by the artist Marco Bagnoli, as part of the public art program to be promoted in the city.