The "Giuseppe Verdi" School of Music was born as a Municipal School of violin at the end of the 18th century and currently offers educational activities of musical culture.
At the school - associated with AIdSM (Italian Association of Music Schools) - the main subjects of instrument and complementary subjects are taught.
The school is located in the historic Palazzo Martini together with the Camerata Strumentale Città di Prato and Radio Toscana Classica. Historically, the three institutions have operated forms of collaboration which in the course of the last few years have intensified both in the concert and educational fields such as to make Palazzo Martini the musical center of the city.
Hours and contacts
Via Santa Trinita, 2 - 59100 Prato PO
Monday and Thursday 9.00 - 13.00 and 15.00 - 17.00
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.00 to 13.00
Telephone: 0574 1838811

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