The Smart Governance section consists of projects and activities which, with the support of technological infrastructures, work to bring about innovative approaches to the delivery of services and to the implementation of active citizen participation processes: online services, electronic payments, use of open data to promote government transparency, and the opportunity to contact local government online. The survey carried out in Prato identified 29 projects altogether (ongoing or already completed), 9 by the local government and 20 by other companies, as well as 22 initiatives that are in the design phase.
Among the completed projects we mention in particular:
- the possibility for citizens and companies to deal directly online with many requests and applications to the Municipality, and check their status (applications regarding manufacturing activities, SUEAP, urban planning, and crèche enrolment).
- online payment of municipal services and fines
- management of participation processes
Activities being designed or implemented include: ICT tools for the mapping and management of sports facilities, events and exhibitions, ICT tools for the management of the school meal service and textbook coupons, registry of heating installations and of renewable energy sources, mapping of road accidents and online management of fines.